
Welcome seniors!

Don´t you know what gift to give to your parents or grandparents? Give them a relaxing stay for seniors in Harrachov, in a nice hotel which fills all expectations.

Special offer includes

  • Accommodation for 5 days / 4 nights in a double room Standard for 2 persons (all rooms has a private bathroom, satellite TV, balcony and Wi-Fi)
  • Rich breakfast buffet
  • 4x four- course dinner menu (appetizer, soup, main course - choice of three meals,dessert) each day
  • 3x afternoon dessert and coffee
  • 2x per stay entrance to the wellness center for everyone (whirlpool, sauna, swimming pool) for 60 minutes
  • Harrachov card FREE
  • 30% discount on massages of your choice
  • parking right at the hotel
  • Internet Wi-Fi throughout the building
  • BONUS on arrival on Sundays and Mondays: 1 x pool entrance for 60 minutes FREE

Client reviews

8,4 / 10

Vse super, děkujeme za vstřícnost se snídani! Snídaně bohaté, super!

Seasons Pricing Order
21 Mar 2025 - 19 Dec 2025 from 5 600 Kč  per person Send request
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